Participans were randomly given one of these lists: The randomly selected wordlist was then shuffled and in the "Case matters" condition each word was Capitalized with a probability of 50%.

Instructions given in the case-insensitive condition:


This is an experiment assessing your ability to remember. 12 words will be presented, one by one, and you should try to remember as many of these as possible.

After this you should try to recall as many words as possible by typing them into the box below. The words should be separated by pressing the spacebar. You have 60 seconds to complete the recall. You may recall the words in any order you prefer just try to recall as many words as possible.

Please do not cheat, we are interested in your ability to remember, not to cheat. Give your best!

Instructions given in the case-sensitive condition:


This is an experiment assessing your ability to remember. 12 words will be presented, one by one, and you should try to remember as many of these as possible. You should also try to remember if the first letter was capitalized or not.

After this you should try to recall as many words as possible by typing them into the box below. The words should be separated by pressing the spacebar. You have 60 seconds to complete the recall. You may recall the words in any order you prefer just try to recall as many words as possible. What is important is that that you try to enter the words using the same case as they were presented in, that is, if you were presented with "Bar" you should entered it as an upper case "B" but if you were presented with "bar" you should use an lower case "b".

Please do not cheat, we are interested in your ability to remember, not to cheat. Give your best!