Publishable Stuff

Rasmus Bååth's Blog

Hello stranger, and welcome! 👋😊
I'm Rasmus Bååth, data scientist, engineering manager, father, husband, tinkerer, tweaker, coffee brewer, tea steeper, and, occasionally, publisher of stuff I find interesting down below👇

How Do You Write Your Model Definitions?


I’m often irritated by that when a statistical method is explained, such as linear regression, it is often characterized by how it can be calculated rather than by what model is assumed and fitted. A typical example of this is that linear regression is often described as a method that uses ordinary least squares to calculate the best fitting line to some data (for example, see here, here and here).

From my perspective ordinary least squares is better seen as the computational method used to fit a linear model, assuming normally distributed residuals, rather than being what you actually do when fitting a linear regression. That is, ordinary least squares is one of many computational methods, such as gradient descent or simulated annealing, used to find the maximum likelihood estimates of linear models with normal residuals. By characterizing linear regression as a calculation to minimize the squared errors you hide the fact that linear regression actually assumes a model that is simple and easy to understand. I wish it was more common to write out the full probability model that is assumed when describing a statistical procedure as it would make it easier to quickly grasp the assumptions of the procedure and facilitate comparison between different procedures.

But how to write out the full probability model? In this post I’m going to show two different textual conventions and two different graphical conventions for communicating probability models. (Warning, personal opinions ahead!)

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A Bayesian Twist on Tukey’s Flogs


In the last post I described flogs, a useful transform on proportions data introduced by John Tukey in his Exploratory Data Analysis. Flogging a proportion (such as, two out of three computers were Macs) consisted of two steps: first we “started” the proportion by adding 1/6 to each of the counts and then we “folded” it using what was basically a rescaled log odds transform. So for the proportion two out of three computers were Macs we would first add 1/6 to both the Mac and non-Mac counts resulting in the “started” proportion (2 + 1/6) / (2 + 1/6 + 1 + 1/6) = 0.65. Then we would take this proportion and transform it to the log odds scale.

The last log odds transform is fine, I’ll buy that, but what are we really doing when we are “starting” the proportions? And why start them by the “magic” number 1/6? Maybe John Tukey has the answer? From page 496 in Tukey’s EDA:

The desirability of treating “none seen below” as something other than zero is less clear, but also important. Here practice has varied, and a number of different usages exist, some with excuses for being and others without. The one we recommend does have an excuse but since this excuse (i) is indirect and (ii) involves more sophisticated considerations, we shall say no more about it. What we recommend is adding 1/6 to all […] counts, thus “starting” them.

Not particularly helpful… I don’t know what John Tukey’s original reason was (If you know, please tell me in the comments bellow!) but yesterday I figured out a reason that I’m happy with. Turns out that starting proportions by adding 1/6 to the counts is an approximation to the median of the posterior probability of the $\theta$ parameter of a Bernouli distribution when using Jeffrey’s prior on $\theta$. I’ll show you in a minute why this is the case but first I just want to point out that intuitively this is roughly what we would want to get when “starting” proportions.

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Going to Plot Some Proportions? Why not Flog ’em First?


Fractions and proportions can be difficult to plot nicely for a number of reasons:

Especially irritating is that the first two of these problems results in overplotting that makes it hard to see what is going on in the data. So how to plot proportions without running into these problems? John Tukey to the rescue!

Tukey’s EDA cover

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RPPW 2013 was Groovy!


Just came home from the 14th Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop, this time taking place at the University of Birmingham, UK. Like the last time in Leipzig there were lots of great talks and much food for thought. Some highlights, from my personal perspective:

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SPSS looked great! 20 years ago…


For some reason someone dropped a pamphlet advertising SPSS for Windows 3.0 in my mail box at work. This means that the pamphlet, and the advertised version of SPSS, should be at least 20 years old! These days I’m happily using R for everything but if I was going to estimate any models 20 years ago SPSS actually looked quite OK. In the early 90s my interests in computing were more related to making Italian plumbers rescue princesses than estimating regression models.

The pamphlet is quite fun to read, there are many things in it that feels really out of date and which shows how much have happened in computing in the last 20 years. Let me show you some of the highlights!

Here is a picture from the pamphlet of an SPSS session in action:

SPSS in action

Actually it still looks very similar to the SPSS I saw my colleague use yesterday, so maybe not that much have changed in 20 years… Well let’s look at the hardware requirements:

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Bayesian Estimation of Correlation - Now Robust!


So in the last post I showed how to run the Bayesian counterpart of Pearson’s correlation test by estimating the parameters of a bivariate normal distribution. A problem with assuming normality is that the normal distribution isn’t robust against outliers. Let’s see what happens if we take the data from the last post with the finishing times and weights of the runners in the men’s 100 m semi-finals in the 2013 World Championships in Athletics and introduce an outlier. This is how the original data looks:

##                    runner  time weight
## 1              Usain Bolt  9.92     94
## 2           Justin Gatlin  9.94     79
## 3            Nesta Carter  9.97     78
## 4       Kemar Bailey-Cole  9.93     83
## 5         Nickel Ashmeade  9.90     77
## 6            Mike Rodgers  9.93     76
## 7     Christophe Lemaitre 10.00     74
## 8           James Dasaolu  9.97     87
## 9           Zhang Peimeng 10.00     86
## 10           Jimmy Vicaut 10.01     83
## 11         Keston Bledman 10.08     75
## 12       Churandy Martina 10.09     74
## 13         Dwain Chambers 10.15     92
## 14           Jason Rogers 10.15     69
## 15          Antoine Adams 10.17     79
## 16        Anaso Jobodwana 10.17     71
## 17       Richard Thompson 10.19     80
## 18          Gavin Smellie 10.30     80
## 19          Ramon Gittens 10.31     77
## 20 Harry Aikines-Aryeetey 10.34     87

What if Usain Bolt had eaten mutant cheese burgers both gaining in weight and ability to run faster?

d[d$runner == "Usain Bolt", c("time", "weight")] <- c(9.5, 115)
plot(d$time, d$weight)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

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More Bayesian Football Models


I recently had a lot of fun coding up a Bayesian Poisson model of football scores in the Spanish la Liga. I describe the model, implemented using R and JAGS, in these posts: part 1, part 2, part 3. Turns out that Gianluca Baio and Marta Blangiardo already developed a similar Bayesian model with some extra bells and whistles. For example, they modeled both the defense skill and and offense skill of each team while I used an overreaching skill for each team.
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The Bayesian Counterpart of Pearson’s Correlation Test


Except for maybe the t test, a contender for the title “most used and abused statistical test” is Pearson’s correlation test. Whenever someone wants to check if two variables relate somehow it is a safe bet (at least in psychology) that the first thing to be tested is the strength of a Pearson’s correlation. Only if that doesn’t work a more sophisticated analysis is attempted (“That p-value is still to big, maybe a mixed models logistic regression will make it smaller…”). One reason for this is that the Pearson’s correlation test is conceptually quite simple and have assumption that makes it applicable in many situations (but it is definitely also used in many situations where underlying assumption are violated).

Since I’ve converted to “Bayesianism” I’ve been trying to figure out what Bayesian analyses correspond to the classical analyses. For t tests, chi-square tests and Anovas I’ve found Bayesian versions that, at least conceptually, are testing the same thing. Here are links to Bayesian versions of the t test, a chi-square test and an Anova, if you’re interested. But for some reason I’ve never encountered a discussion of what a Pearson’s correlation test would correspond to in a Bayesian context. Maybe this is because regression modeling often can fill the same roll as correlation testing (quantifying relations between continuous variables) or perhaps I’ve been looking in the wrong places.

The aim of this post is to explain how one can run the Bayesian counterpart of Pearson’s correlation test using R and JAGS. The model that a classical Pearson’s correlation test assumes is that the data follows a bivariate normal distribution. That is, if we have a list $x$ of pairs of data points $[[x_{1,1},x_{1,2}],[x_{2,1},x_{2,2}],[x_{3,1},x_{3,2}],…]$ then the $x_{i,1} \text{s}$ and the $x_{i,2} \text{s}$ are each assumed to be normally distributed with a possible linear dependency between them. This dependency is quantified by the correlation parameter $\rho$ which is what we want to estimate in a correlation analysis. A good visualization of a bivariate normal distribution with $\rho = 0.3$ can be found on the the wikipedia page on the multivariate normal distribution :

A bivariate normal distribution

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Modeling Match Results in La Liga Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Poisson Model: Part three.


In part one and part two of Modeling Match Results in La Liga Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Poisson Model I developed a model for the number of goals in football matches from five seasons of La Liga, the premier Spanish football league. I’m now reasonably happy with the model and want to use it to rank the teams in La Liga and to predict the outcome of future matches!

Ranking the Teams of La Liga

We’ll start by ranking the teams of La Liga using the estimated skill parameters from the 2012/2013 season. The values of the skill parameters are difficult to interpret as they are relative to the skill of the team that had its skill parameter “anchored” at zero. To put them on a more interpretable scale I’ll first zero center the skill parameters by subtracting the mean skill of all teams, I then add the home baseline and exponentiate the resulting values. These rescaled skill parameters are now on the scale of expected number of goals when playing home team. Below is a caterpillar plot of the median of the rescaled skill parameters together with the 68 % and 95 % credible intervals. The plot is ordered according to the median skill and thus also gives the ranking of the teams.

# The ranking of the teams for the 2012/13 season.
team_skill <- ms3[, str_detect(string = colnames(ms3), "skill\\[5,")]
team_skill <- (team_skill - rowMeans(team_skill)) + ms3[, "home_baseline[5]"]
team_skill <- exp(team_skill)
colnames(team_skill) <- teams
team_skill <- team_skill[, order(colMeans(team_skill), decreasing = T)]
par(mar = c(2, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7), xaxs = "i")
caterplot(team_skill, labels.loc = "above", val.lim = c(0.7, 3.8))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-22

Two teams are clearly ahead of the rest, FC Barcelona and Real Madrid CF. Let’s look at the credible difference between the two teams.

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CogSci 2013 in Berlin was Hot!


One month ago I went to UseR 2013 in Albacete, Spain wich was a great conference featuring 33° C and many interesting presentations. Surpisingly CogSci 2013 in Berlin, which I attended this week, was even warmer, outside it is currenly 36° C! There were also many interesting presentations at CogSci 2013 with some of the highlights being: The symposia on Music Cognition inlcuding a talk by Edward Large on how to model pitch and harmony perception using dynamical systems.
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